Thursday, 30 April 2015

The Nepalese are dying because 20% of their doctors work in the NHS: HnH's racist approach to healthcare

In the pay of the big unions, Lowles dare not
offend the union barons and their banker
style salaries
As polling day approaches, so the Hope not Hate wraps on local newspapers in UKIP target seats

Once again, in the interests of fighting inequality, racism and homophobia, Hope not Hate are focussing on 'UKIPs secret plan for the NHS', which proves to be little more than a mirror of the stale Labour Party line about UKIP 'privatisation' - as if they hadn't saddled us with billions of £s of PFI debt as they lined the pockets of their donors with contracts.

We have discussed HnH's approach to this in a previous article in December. In it, we said:

"although possibly it is guilt over the Labour inspired need to import doctors from Sierra Leone (1 doctor per 50,000 people) in order to sustain the NHS administration (142 doctors per 50,000 people). Who knows? Labour doesn't care, Sierra Leoneans don't have a vote here anyway. With the partial privatisation of services introduced under the last Labour government, it probably makes sense to take desperately needed doctors from third world countries rather than train enough at home anyway."

With HnH having thrown their support behind the rather racist approach of saving the NHS by stripping third world countries of desperately needed medical personnel, they then try and present minutes from a UKIP meeting as a 'secret report'. In it, senior UKIP personnel are minuted as trying to get to grips with a workable solution for a bloated, unionised and politicised National Health Service which resists any change.

We're sure we are not alone in wondering just how much free and frank debate Hope not Hate would want to close down to protect the positions of their fat cat union paymasters. After all, UNISON's health care page claims 500,000 of their members work for the NHS, while UNITE claim 100,000 of theirs do. What we are seeing from Hope not Hate is how easily their name can be bought in return for promises of the sort of funding that keeps Nick Lowles in the style to which he has become accustomed.
Medical care is hard to find since the Labour government
stripped 2545 clinical staff from Nepal to work on first
world problems in the NHS
There is a strong negative side to the NHS which is felt not here but elsewhere. As mentioned above, stripping medical staff from the world's poorest nations is not a particularly caring or compassionate thing to do. But with the current disaster unfolding in Nepal, it is worth bearing in mind that the NHS employs 2545 medical staff from that nation across the UK. Meanwhile, Nepal has to struggle through an earthquake with only 10.5 doctors per 50,000 population, compared with the 147 per 50,000 that the NHS has. Still, as Nepal is the 159th poorest country by GDP, I'm sure stripping them of essential medical personnel to conduct breast reduction surgery, IVF treatments and other similar first world problems rather than healing the shattered bodies of their fellow countrymen seems like a bargain if it keeps Len McCluskey and Dave Prentis on their £120,000 pa banker style salaries. We'll just send them a few Land Rovers and a million quid by way of recompense for denuding them of emergency medical care.

"Job done", as Nick Lowles would say.

(Nepal has 10.5 doctors per 50,000 people. With a population of 27.8 million, that means there are a
total of 5838 doctors in Nepal. In other words, the Nepalese contingent in the NHS represents over 43% of doctors in the entire country. If you just count those with medical degrees and exclude nurses, there are 1143 Nepalese doctors in the NHS, or  20% of all Nepalese doctors. Still, Nepalese can't vote in the UK, so "screw them" appears to be the motto of the unions and Hope not Hate).

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

28 more members of our Lib/Lab/Con hall of shame since 22 April

We thought it might be time to update our list of 291 Lib/Lab/Con councillors who've been in trouble: after all, a week has passed, and so there are another 28 since the 22nd April.

*The point of the list is not that none of them were subsequently cleared but rather that the BBC would have opened a dedicated channel for any of them who were UKIP. Who saw on the BBC National News the 2 Labour candidates - one a PPC - convicted of fraud last Friday?

The list is correct in that there are 319 councillors from other parties who have been arrested, convicted, sentenced, stood down, been disgraced, associated with criminals, questioned in the local press about unethical actions or who have been plain useless, incompetent or offensive. Nope not Hope makes no other claims in relation to it.

As to 'wives and children', we refer the BBC to 'Nigel Farage says German wife not taking British job' from their own website.*

Latest members of our hall of shame are below:


Witham Labour PPC returns to Twitter after sexist 'pretty Bond villain' comments about Tory MP -

Derby Tory candidate refers to Miliband as 'the Jew' in online conversation -

Goldsmith's NUS (who fund Hope not Hate) Welfare Officer Bahar Mustafe bars white people from anti-racism seminar -

Tower Hamlets First still playing race card as deputy mayor describes mayor's conviction as 'Islamophobia' -


Fife Labour councillor criticises police priorities after they throw him and colleagues out of hotel they refused to leave -

3 Middlesbrough Labour candidates reported to police for making false statements on election literature -


Rochdale Labour councillor's son released without charge after attempting to join ISIS in Syria -


Labour suspend Wirral councillor, but won't say what for. Councillor says its 'purely procedural' -
Electoral Fraud

Lib Dems suspend Surry parliamentary candidate over claims he falsified nomination papers -

Blackburn Labour candidate arrested and bailed on electoral fraud charges over postal vote irregularities -

Family of Lib Dem councillor whose 2012 election was quashed after fraud conviction are convicted of same offence -

Postal vote fraud 'easy' says Electoral Commissioner (but they're not doing anything about it) -

 Newcastle man charged over threat to behead UKIP candidate -

"Get out or else" - Hope not Hate/UAF vandals attack UKIP shop in Herne Bay, paint threats on windows -
HnH still trying to tie UKIP and the EDL in Grimsby after their tall tales about 'intimidation' earlier this week -
6 attacks on UKIP signs in Sunderland, including a home being broken into while the family were asleep -
4 UKIP signs go missing within a day in Kirklees, a town with a Hope not Hate presence -
Another UKIP sign defaced in North Devon as the opposition start to get worried -
UKIP Derby resort to protecting posters with CCTV after wave of political vandalism -
Links with Criminals:

Labour Lord Mayor of Oxford & 2 Lab councillors give references for man convicted of armed robbery at bookies -

Former Hartlepool Labour leader joins calls for Labour mayor to resign over job lies -

IoW Tory MP threatens UKIP candidate with legal action amid continuing claims about his health -
Havant Tory PPC 'over-egged' CV during primary selection contest: wriggles as claims come under scrutiny -

Sutton Lib Dems force through 2.2% pay rise for councillors, defeat motion to record who voted in favour -

Labour Sefton Council reject inquiry calls into Sefton school paying Mayor of Liverpool for 2 years for no work -

Tory Thanet South candidate's business advises immigrants on how to maximise benefit claims -

Retired teacher awaits apology after Labour councillor urinates in his garden in Paisley -

Cornwall Council to introduce checks on all councillors following Lib Dem 'serous risk to children' councillor -

The downloadable list of the other 291 since January 1st can be found at or downloaded from or read in the preview panel below:


Sunday, 26 April 2015

A selection of some of our memes

We thought you might find useful and or amusing a selection of memes we have published here and on Facebook & Twitter over the last year or two.


Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Forget tall stories about UKIP intimidation in Dudley - Lowles is trying to save his friend Austin's seat

Believe nothing about Dudley North - Labour PPC Ian Austin
is a long time friend of HnH's Nick Lowles. Both are full of
unlikely tales of their own victimhood.
Following our FB & Twitter post regarding the on-going campaign of vandalism against UKIP shops and intimidation against UKIP candidates and supporters, we have now seen Hope not Hate's response: to complain that they are the real victims. Unoriginal in the extreme, this rather dim-witted approach  is based on a handful of incidents, almost none of which are true. Their article focuses on Dudley North, where they complain that a Hope not Hate activist (also coincidentally a Labour activist) was photographed, with the photograph being put on Twitter by UKIP MEP Bill Etheridge followed by some alleged UKIP members saying rude things about him in the comments.

Contrast this with Hope not Hate's glee when posting pictures of hapless elderly UKIP members who can't keep up with whether people of African origin are coloured, black or BME in the latest politically correct terminology.

There is an ulterior motive for all this focus on Bill Etheridge and UKIP in Dudley North, which YouGov list as 'too close to call' between UKIP and Labour. Dudley North Labour PPC and outgoing MP Ian Austin is a friend of Nick Lowles, who previously wrote of Austin,

"Last night I spent about an hour on the phone with Ian Austin, the Labour MP for Dudley North. Ian is a long-time friend of Searchlight, and by that I mean since he was in his mid-teens, but today he is more helpful advising us on a media strategy"

This 'media strategy' has so far involved comedy death threats allegedly received from UKIP supporters, and leaking confidential information on a constituent who stood for UKIP, a strategy which backfired as that constituent is now local Cllr Dean Perks. It hardly needs mentioning that as a good New Labour man, Austin is also an expenses cheat.

Laughable claims of intimidation are nothing new. After the abortive attempt to deliver leaflets in Grimsby on Saturday when nobody turned up, Lowles was bleating that his activists were 'intimidated' and that the police had been called. However, as the Grimsby Telegraph makes clear in their article on Monday:

"The spokesman also claimed members and a member of Humberside Police staff had been physically assaulted. However, Humberside Police was unable to confirm if this was the case and, at the time of going to press, the group had not supplied the Grimsby Telegraph with a crime number."

In other words, even the local paper - which was there - doesn't believe them.

These lies seem to be a new tactic as Hope not Hate feel they are beginning to lose the battle, and the £600,000 a year that goes with it - an attempt, after years of bully boy tactics, to suddenly play the victim. Exactly the same tactic the Nazi's used, in fact.

In terms of threats, nothing compares to the vast amounts of hate that appear on Hope not Hate's own Facebook feed and on their own pages. Incitements to violence are frequent, as we have previously blogged here, while marches by anyone HnH deems unacceptable are given a running commentary to ensure their fellow hard-left bully boys can get the fight they desire, as here. Hope not Hate activists have called for UKIP shops to be burnt down, for attacks on the mentally ill and have cheerfully condoned acts of violence against UKIP MEPs by their own members. Of course, we have screen grabs of some of their supporters comments - we used to grab a lot, but it all gets a bit repetitive after a while.

Earlier today we posted a meme on our Facebook & Twitter pointing out that over 30 UKIP shops have been attacked during this extended General Election campaign. We have been unable to find any accounts of Labour Party or Hope not Hate premises which have been attacked outside of Scotland, where the SNP is responsible - something Hope not Hate has been at pains to not mention. If anybody has any knowledge of any attacks on Labour, HnH, Unite, UNISON, SWP, Green Party or Stand up to UKIP premises in England, we'd be interested in hearing of it.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

291 Lib/Lab/Con/SNP Councillors & their unreported indiscretions - downloadable document

We have received a number of enquiries about downloadable versions of our list of councillors from other parties who have escaped national media attention for crimes and actions far worse than anything done by the odd UKIP candidate. We have therefore consolidated the list into a pdf document which features all the links, with a breakdown by crime. Please feel free to download it and/or share it: it is likely to be particularly useful at hustings meetings over the next week or two.

The document lists all 291 Lib Dem, Labour and Tory councillors we have found since 1st January, and is current up to Monday 20th April. Our Facebook page will feature rolling updates, and we will update the downloadable version as appropriate. As the document stands, it runs to 24 pages - sorry, blame the establishment parties, it's their people who have made it so long!

The list features - 21 relating to paedophilia, 2 rapists, 1 terrorist, 13 racists, 6 sexists or homophobes, 1 drug related, 1 abusing people with mental health issues, 8 expenses cheats, 4 benefit fraudsters, 28 relating to theft or fraud, 13 assaults and 3 sexual scandals with the other 190 falling into the 'general misconduct' category (which may include elements of any of the above, but short of a trial). Rather puts a handful of UKIP candidates into perspective, doesn't it? It is worth mentioning that included in the list are 2 Hope not Hate activists - one raped an under-age girl, and the other broke his wife's jaw.

Good luck to all UKIP candidates for 7th May - from Dave & the team at Nope, not Hope.

The entire file can be downloaded as a pdf file from our Google Drive at

137 Lib/Lab/Con Paedos, racists, homophobes, fraudsters you didn't read about on Hope not Hate - March and April this year

Following on from last night's post featuring 154 councillors and MPs from the Labour, Liberal Democrat, Conservative and other parties who were arrested, convicted or sentenced for criminal offences or guilty of racism, homophobia or sexism in January or February, here's another 137 from 1st March to 20th April this year.

Naturally, you didn't read about any of these on Hope not Hate - and very few appeared in the national media - because they're not UKIP. Interestingly, there are at least 2 Hope not Hate campaingers included - one in Yeovil got 80 hours community service for punching his ex-wife in the face, and the other in Gloucester got 7 years for raping a 15 year old girl.


HnH activist, Labour member & former head of Gloucester Race Equality Council jailed for raping girl under 16 -

Tory Oxford councillor slammed in child sex report linked to Cameron's campaign team -

Former Tory leader of Oxford council admits child grooming was 'swept under the carpet' during time at helm -

Former Lib Dem councillor escapes jail in Bradford despite acting like 'predatory paedophile' -

Saddleworth Lib Dem councillor charged with child pornography offences after tip from Canadian police -

Ashfield & Eastwood Lib Dem PPC stands down following arrest for alleged sexual assault of a schoolboy -

Lib Dem campaigner and 'close associate' of PPC suspended for child sex offences used party office for porn movies -

Labour peer 'too unwell' to stand trial over historic child abuse allegations -

Green leader Natalie Bennett's partner's blog defends paedophilia, schoolgirl sex and rape fantasies -

Leicester Labour deputy mayor fired after plan left hundreds of vulnerable children at risk of abuse (shes still a Cllr) -

Tory Bucks councillors 'cared more about tarnished reputation than protecting children' says independent report -

Former Labour leader of Rotherham council 'does not see' why he should return OBE despite sex abuse scandal -

Child abuse victim stands for UKIP in Nottingham in attempt to unseat Labour administration he holds responsible -

Former Labour mayor of Rotherham pleads not guilty to sex attack on girl -

Rotherham Labour deputy leader finally admits under-16 Roma girls are married after being asked 6 times (by UKIP Cllr) -

Police launch investigation into Westminster child sex ring cover-up lasting decades -


Hancock to defend Portsmouth South seat despite sexual assault - will Lib Dems put up serious fight against him? -

Glamorgan Labour councillor appears in court to face charges of sexual assault on 17 year old girl -
Rochdale Labour councillor's son arrested in Turkey attempting to reach Syria to join ISIS -


Complaints against 3 Coventry Labour councillors being investigated after they brand constituents racist -

Selby Labour councillor denies racism despite 'Polish piss artists' tweet -

Labour Leicester candidate was telling people to vote BNP on Facebook just 2 years ago (at bottom of page) -

White, middle class Green Party has fewer minority candidates than any other party including UKIP -

UKIP demands Tory Portsmouth South candidate resign after labelling all UKIP voters 'racist' -

Groby Tory councillor vows to appeal deselection over 'racist, sexist & pornographic' e-mails to colleagues -

Complaints about Coventry Labour councillors who labelled constituents 'racist' deferred until after elections -

Questions continue over whether Chichester Tories will mount serious challenge to former councillor expelled for racism -

Coventry Labour councillor apologises to parish councillors for calling them Nazi for raising immigration concerns -

'Nazi uniform' Tory MP criticised for calling constituents 'rude' and complaining about 'low pay' -

Plaid Cymru stand by candidate who called English-born Welsh residents Nazis -

Groby Tories fail to field candidates following deselection of former leader following racist & sexist email row -

Former Chesterfield Lib Dem MP given reprimand over bullying of female candidate -

Hartlepool Labour councillor asked questioner 'have I slept with you?' & says 'I don't need your pussy votes' -

Green Party sacks Liverpool press officer over sexism on social media -

Call for tougher sanctions over Hartlepool Labour Cllr at public meeting who asked questioner if he'd slept with her -

The 'Joy of Sexism' in the Labour Party, by Tory MP on receiving end of 'sexist' barbs by Labour rival -

Quilliam Foundation head and Lib Dem PPC Maajid Nawaz 'considering future' after sexist lap dance video -

Former Labour deputy mayor of Liverpool bidding to regain seat admits previous resignation was over caution for class A drugs -
Mental Health

Pontypridd Lib Dem PPC under fire after calling council chiefs 'retards' -

Decision on Hawick SNP councillor who claimed expenses to attend colleagues funeral delayed -

Labour MP for Rotherham claimed £17 expenses for Remembrance Day poppy wreath -

Tory Dudley South MP claimed £ 10.80 to attend Kingswinford Remembrance Sunday service -

Tory Wandsworth Council leader gets £27k trip to Cannes paid for by consortium behind controversial development -

Motherwell Labour faces legal action for sacking of senior councillor who questioned housing contract -

Buxton Tory convicted of falsifying expenses & barred from public office now running 'Buxton Independents' campaign -

Luton Labour vice-chair to fight seat of Labour councillor suspended over expenses irregularities -

Salmond aide & ex-SNP cllr faces jail after failing to carry out community service after expenses fraud conviction -
Benefit Fraud

Labour councillor convicted of benefit fraud nominated as deputy mayor of Stafford -

Tiverton Lib Dem councillor convicted of defrauding own authority has charity money in personal bank account -

Melton Tory councillor pleads not guilty to benefit fraud charges (not the same one who was convicted of £3k theft!) -

Labour Milton Keynes council denies using press watchdog to try and silence paper over expenses story -

Spelthorne Tory councillor's wife convicted of £2k theft from school PTA -

Sandwell Labour councillors resign as investigation continues into fraudulent sales of council land -

Fraud trial of Scunthorpe Labour councillor told he was repeatedly chased for council tax payments -

Tory ex councillor in Wycombe jailed for fleecing old ladies of savings -

Melton Labour councillor pleads guilty to theft of £3.2k from lunch club - his Lab group leader faces benefits fraud charges -

Senior Somerset Tory councillor resigns after breaches of code over sales of public land -

Two corruption charges dropped against former Tory leader of Dorset CC, one continues -

Sandwell Council - whose Labour deputy leader faces fraud investigation - bars critical blogger from meetings -

Labour council leader defends Blackpool councillors summonsed for unpaid council tax -

Tendring councillor and former Tory rebailed in fraud charges relating to grants from Sport England -

Scunthorpe Labour councillor Jawaid Ishaq jailed for 3 1/2 years for fraud after impersonating dead friend -

SNP run Perth & Kinross council under fire after leadership rules out fraud probe into 'dodgy' recruitment contract -

Probe into former SNP deputy leader of Edinburgh council over undeclared links to lobbyist in contracts row -

Plymouth Labour councillor to face trial next month for fraud by abuse of position -

Labour finally expel Scunthorpe councillor jailed for fraud after stealing dead friend's cash -

Borders SNP councillor referred to standards hearing for 2nd time in a year for failing to declare interest in financial matter -

Stafford Labour councillor & Hope not Hate activist suspended for misconduct in public office -

Jailed former Lib Dem PPC for Coventry investigated again for fraud offences -

Former Tory leader of Dorset CC convicted of failing to declare financial interest, allowed to remain in public office -

Former Tory Stratford upon Avon councillor convicted of running taxi firm without proper licenses -

Hartlepool Labour councillor who ran resident's assoc. admits 11 fraud charges - what about the other Lab cllrs on the board? -

Labour suspends senior Luton councillor, opens inquiry into expenses claims relating to private school fees -

Borders SNP councillor referred to watchdog over expenses claims following council probe -

Dudley zoo CEO suspended over financial irregularities; former Labour leader who is trustee 'knew nothing' -

Former Tory leader of Dorset CC convicted of failing to declare financial interest elected in uncontested ward as 'independent' -

Labour councillor & former Sandwell deputy leader's son arreed over role in fraudulent disposal of council properties -

Stoke Labour councillor receives 3 month suspended sentence for repeated assaults on girlfriend -

St Helen's South Labour candidate in court to face assault charges next Thursday -

Referendum assault trial of Labour councillor and St Helen's South PPC conveniently adjourned until after election -

Macclesfield Tory councillor to stand trail for assault on a woman -

Labour confirm St Helen's South PPC will remain despite pending trial for assault (conveniently adjourned 'til after election) -

Sentencing hearing adjourned of Leicester Labour Cllr convicted of perverting course of justice -

Wrexham Plaid Cymru councillor avoids conviction for assaulting former partner -

80 hours community service for Yeovil Hope not Hate activist convicted of punching wife in face -

Police called to fight between Tory and Labour candidates in East Riding -

West Lancs UKIP candidate forced to withdraw from hustings over death threats from 'Stand up to UKIP' -
Sexual Scandals

Kent youth crime commissioner suspended over affair with married councillor selected as Tory local election candidate -

Resignation calls in Eastleigh Lib Dem love triangle as councillor gets harassment warning -

More on the Eastleigh Lib Dem 'love triangle' involving leader, cabinet member and ex-wife -
General Misconduct

Calls for Wokingham Tory councillor to resign after investigation upholds complaint he bullied constituent -

Tories suspend own councillor ahead of crucial Suffolk planning meeting as he publicly opposed development plan -

Labour leader of East Staffs council apologises for distasteful tweet about dead councillor -

Tories warned over rigging fears for Kensington PPC selection process by own members -

Cardiff Labour leader faces no-confidence motion over shambolic budget -

MK UKIP Cllr 'appalled' to discover taxi scandal Lib Dem councillor still holds taxi licenses -

Kent Tory councillor who pushed shambolic streetlight scheme resigns from post -

East Lothian Labour chairman resigns after party tweets urge supporters to vote Tory to keep out SNP -

Stockton Tory councillor suspended over non payment of council tax attacks 'unpleasant behaviour' of fellow Tories -

Internal rift in East Kilbride as Labour councillors refuse to campaign for sitting Labour MP -

Bosworth Tory MP continues to insist astrology is answer to NHS problems -

Dumbarton cybernats in bullying row as SNP steps up personal attacks on councillors -

Lib Dem peer & diversity adviser admits smuggling 2 year old boy into UK & lying to get him a British passport -

Cornwall Tory councillor appears before court on food hygiene charges - trial set for 8th May -

Recording proves Tory chairman Grant Shapps continued to masquerade as 'Michael Green' after election -

Hartlepool's Labour mayor faces vote of no confidence over hospital meeting -

After criticising the Tories over donations from hedge fund managers, Labour takes £650k donations from the same -

Tory chairman Grant Shapps faces legal action by Labour councillor he threatened to sue -

Bute SNP campaign manager resigns over 'extreme meddling' and gagging by party leadership -

Coventry Labour Party selects council candidates amidst 'fix' claims over bussed in members -'Dirty-dealings'-allegations-as-Labour-selects-Coventry-council-candidates-130022.html

Labour councillor and former leader of Swansea Council in court on fly tipping charges -

Calls to name 7 Labour and 1 Lib Dem councillor who failed to pay council tax in Haringey -

Labour canvasser in Milton Keynes urinates in bushes outside constituents front door -

9 NI councillors facing disciplinary action over code of conduct breaches -

Labour activists helping George Galloway in Bradford West as Labour candidate denies party rift -

Coventry Labour candidate resigns after using 'foul and abusive' language to pub landlord -

Former Labour leader of Swansea Council sees trial for fly tipping delayed until June -

Rhondda Labour councillor suspended for 4 months after falsely claiming man had caution for firearms offences -

Unions and Hope not Hate reduced to bribing supporters to attend anti-UKIP action day in Grimsby -

Former Tory deputy leader of Boston council stands down 3 weeks before election ahead of trial for housing offences -