Friday, 21 June 2013

A Farage non-story, and Nick Lowles Companies House records

Hope not Hate are today pushing the story which features on the front page of the Daily Mirror - 'Nigel Farage set up offshore fund to avoid tax' - even though few other papers take much notice of it. This is probably because although the headline is technically correct, Farage took no money from it, no longer has any interest in it, did not avoid any tax with it, and was not in any case a beneficiary as was confirmed by his accountant. It was also perfectly legal, and when it was dissolved by his brother, UK tax was paid on
Nick Lowles
Occupation - MI5 Agent!
The original document from Companies House.
the money. Rather a non-story.

What interests us is the tone of the article. Using a mistake by Companies House - they already had documentation showing Farage's shares had been transferred to the trust - they attempt to make Farage look evasive.

As we all know - particularly Nick Lowles - Companies House records are always completely accurate. This is why in the Companies House records for Hope not Hate (Services) Ltd Nick Lowles occupation is given as 'MI5 Agent'.

While Farage was perfectly happy to talk about the trust with reporters from the Daily Mirror, Lowles has remained rather more tight lipped about his alleged occupation. His allies have been busy dismissing it as a 'smear', even though - to quote his own associates over UKIP related stories - 'it can't be a smear if it is true'.

We do not believe Lowles to be an MI5 Agent. That is however what is listed as his occupation with Companies House, so we find his reliance on their records to prove debatable points rather contrived.

On the tax front, please stay tuned to find some interesting news which strikes rather closer to home for Lowles and HnH which will be coming in the next week or so!

1 comment:

  1. A bigger story is the fact that the register of criminal convictions of MPs has be moved to the Commons vaults. You try searching for what should be a publicly available document.
