Sunday, 8 December 2013

Wasting police time, and condemning the opposition for saying what your own supporters say

Hope not Hate continue to lay into a hapless former BNP supporter in Lincolnshire by the name of Dean Everitt. His name has previously come up in our article here, where we pointed out the stupidity of suggesting that UKIP was comprised of former BNP people just because Everitt said 'Vote UKIP' - as stupid as suggesting that Dennis MacShane's very public support of Hope not Hate implied that all HnH supporters were thieving toe-rags. That is not true, of course - most of them are just stupid, and taken in by the lie that Hope not Hate 'fight racism', when in fact they fight parties which look set to take Labour votes.

The latest assault on Everitt is over his homophobia. The actual content is not really contested - it is homophobic, but not particularly any more homophobic than content which Hope not Hate happily allow on their own comments stream so long as it is directed against people they don't like. Who could forget such pricelessly inclusive comments as

Naturally, as Tahair - we assume given his name - is Islamic, there's not a word of official complaint from Hope not Hate, although the poster immediately afterwards does suggest that homophobia is perhaps not the best approach to use. And in fairness, nobody else used it that day: instead, they called for the EDL to be urinated on, beaten, 'given it up the arse' (although that could be
Carl Morphett - adapting the methods of
fascism quite nicely
homophobia!) and then decided that 'retard' and 'chav' were more suitable. Mockery of the mentally ill is of course a long established trait in inclusive Hope not Hate.

What really puts the icing on the cake however is Carl Morphett's (writing as Simon Cressy) assertion that

"We will be passing these posts onto Lincolnshire Police as well as the local media in Lincolnshire, I'm sure they will be very interested."

I'm sure they will be. The figures below show crime figures in Lincolnshire Police's area for the most recent month available - October 2013. With 4,876 crimes reported, the police have nothing better to do than investigate politically motivated reports about victimless crimes on Facebook. Still, as Morphett claims benefits in his home town, it's not him who will have to pay the taxes which pay for such wastes of police time. Perhaps he will however be consistent and also inform the police about the homophobic rants of Hope not Hate's supporters?

Anti-SocialBurglaryRobberyVehicle CrimeViolent CrimeOther CrimeTotal
Oct 20131,70848312288539


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