Tuesday, 21 January 2014

A round-up of Labour activists caught so far

As news breaks in the Guardian that the Labour Party is set to specifically attack UKIP in the upcoming by-election in Sale & Wythenshawe on the 13th February we thought it was worth rounding up the culprits behind the rather more literal attack on UKIP leader Nigel Farage at a meeting in Margate, Kent yesterday.

In the Guardian article, Labour MP John Healey said:

"Ukip's strategy is not just appealing to people from the right of the Tories; they are making the case to traditional Labour voters. Step one for Labour is to take the threat seriously. Step two in selected areas is to step up what we are doing to counter them. Step three, we have to show we understand their concerns and Ed Miliband has made a good start on this with his 'cost of living' campaign"

Another senior Labour MP (un-named in the article) said: "Ukip are eroding our base in coastal towns and the north. It is a judgement whether Labour welcomes Ukip taking Tory votes or worry about what is happening long term to our own vote".

On Planet Thanet however, local Labour activists seem to have taken the message too literally. So far, we have two councillors - one a senior Labour councillor, another a former Labour councillor who now sits as a Green but with continuing close links to Labour - plus a number of Labour activists determined to prevent UKIP holding meetings, by violence if necessary. We are still going through the footage to see if we can identify any others - we believe there are at least 2 more Labour councillors present, plus another high profile Green Party activist. Can assaulting the UKIP leader and shouting obscenities really be their best tactics? You will note that several of these people have been photographed with senior Labour shadow cabinet members, including Yvette Cooper (shadow Home Secretary) and Harriet Harman (Shadow leader of the Commons). We have yet to see any condemnation from Hope not Hate, who of course tacitly approve of such action.

Anyway, here are the pictures - all brought together in the same place for ease of reference. If any readers have further information on the people in the online videos of the incident, please message us and let us know - through Facebook is best.

It looks like Cllr Clark to us


We have been informed these may not be the same person - we shall
remove it if further investigation proves this to be the case.




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