Sunday, 12 January 2014

Dealing with Hope not Hate on Facebook in 3 easy steps

You may well find that like several of us here, daring to disagree with Hope not Hate's propaganda on Facebook leads to you being unable to comment on their posts. Such is the way with fascists - they run a campaign against 'government gagging', and then censor those who dare to disagree with them.

There is still a way you can take action which will affect them on Facebook though. Firstly, you should go to their page and 'Like' it if you have not already done so.

When you have 'Liked' the page, go to the 'Like' button again, and place the mouse cursor over it without clicking. This will give you a manu. Make sure you check 'Get Notifications' and 'Appear in news feed'. That way you won't miss any of their posts.

So, what does this achieve? Facebook changed the way posts by groups such as the 'Hope not Hate' page are seen by those who 'Like' the page. Only a small percentage get to see them automatically, unless they have done what I have just suggested. Typically for a page like HnH's with 60,000 'supporters', probably 8,000 to 10,000 get to see them. To reach the rest, HnH have to pay.

Crucially, how many get to see it free depends upon a number of factors. Chief among these is how relevant their posts are, and Facebook gauge this by the number of complaints their posts receive: the more complaints, the lower the free circulation of their posts. You can make a difference to this by following the steps below. As an example, I have used their post from this morning regarding Peter Adams and UKIP Scotland.

1/. Go to the post on your Facebook wall and place your mouse cursor over it without clicking. You will see a 'V' appear in the top right corner of the post. Click on that, and it will bring down a menu:


2/. Click on 'I don't want to see this' and it will give you the following menu:
3/. The choice is yours as to what to click - 'It's spam' or 'I think it shouldn't be on Facebook'. That brings up one of the following windows. Be careful to not unlike Hope not Hate by mistake!

And that's it. Congratulations. You have just played your part in ensuring that Hope not Hate Ltd have to pay more to get their partisan, party-political lies and distorted truths across to the gullible fools who still believe them to be an anti-racist organisation. Remember to do it to every Hope not Hate post that you see.

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