Labour MP Karl Turner, who represents East Hull, thinks responsible politics consists of sending
housebricks to your opponent's freepost address.
It wouldn't be fair though to say he doesn't stand up against misused privilege. He was after all the MP who reported Baroness Warsi to police over her expenses claims, which is pretty rich as he was subsequently caught misusing his own. But as he said at the time in an interview with James Whale on LBC, had it been a Labour minister who'd been misusing expenses, he wouldn't have spoken up and reported them. If ever there was a clearer case of 'one law for them, one for us', we can't imagine what it would be.
I suppose we should no longer be surprised when a Labour MP proves himself a hypocrite. If he can't be trusted with a couple of hundred quid's worth of stationary, one can only guess what his sanitised expenses conceal. Given his family's close association with his predecessor as East Hull MP John Prescott, he clearly had a good teacher and knows a thing or two about getting his nose in the trough. Having been a barrister previously, I'm sure it'll all be 'within the rules', as if you can only tell the difference between right and wrong with a rule book.
Still, it's good to know he views us as a disgrace for daring to question his childish antics. As a group of working class men and women, we quite understand why it is official Labour policy to drive down wages so the richest 1% can benefit. Sadly, we didn't learn how to screw the system as well as he did. It's just a shame that a lad who started off as working class like him should so quickly forget his roots when he sees riches within his grasp.
If you fancy dropping him a line, his address is 1181 Holderness Road, Hull, HU9 3DW. I'm sure he'll see the joke if you write 'Postage will be paid by addressee' on the envelope. The money he tried to misuse for the Labour fund-raiser should just about cover it.
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